


\slide{First of all ...}{
\blok{Companion website}{http://buon.fjfi.cvut.cz/wp}
\item This presentation (in latex) .. to be reused/adapted for education.
\item All used examples (ready to be used for education).
\item Other relevant info.
\item Resources.
\item \textcolor{red}{Nov. 2021 + tracker intro}

\blok{Scientific problem}{Theory, {\bf Numerical simulation}, Experiment}
\fig{0.6}{SoberaniaPend.png}{Soberenia Pendulum}{SobPend}}
\fig{1}{u10l0c8}{Pendulum analysis @ \cite{PhysClassroomPend}}{PhysClassPend}}

%\SlideWithFullFigureWithLink{Pendulum basic @ spreadsheet}{examples/Spreadsheets/1D_Pendulum_Basic/Screenshot.png}{http://buon.fjfi.cvut.cz:5002/CTU4WP@ELAB/examples/Spreadsheets/1D_Pendulum_Basic/}
%\SlideWithFullFigureWithLink{Pendulum basic @ processing}{examples/Processing/PendulumBasic/Screenshot.png}{https://editor.p5js.org/vojtech.svob/sketches/vTEaAkgs}

\blok{(World) Pendulum ... as a gate to physics}{\centering Numerical simulations point of view}
 \item A comprehensive, as simple as possible numerical approach to the Pendulum problem using Euler scheme for solving ordinary differential equations (ODE) developed under various Computer Algebraic Systems:
 \item spreadsheet (Excel, LibreOffice Calc, Google, gnumeric),
 \item p5* processing,
 \item jupyter notebook (python),
 \item octave (matlab).
\item Wide range of simple examples (ready to be used for education)
\item Way to avoid the complex math problems (ODE) in the (early) physics education.

\slide{Outline of the talk}{


%\SlideWithFullFigureWithLink{Let's dive into a problem}{examples/Spreadsheets/1stO_ODE/Screenshot.png}{http://buon.fjfi.cvut.cz:5002/CTU4WP@ELAB/examples/Spreadsheets/1stO_ODE/}

\subsection{Euler method}

\slide{Initial value problem}{
Let's have a general force field $F(t,x,v)$ applying on an object of a mass $m$, having some initial conditions $t_0, v_0, x_0$:
 \item Differential solution: having $dt$ time progress: $a=F/m$, then $v(t)=\int_{t_0}^{t}{adt}$, and $x(t)=\int_{t_0}^{t}{vdt}$ 
 \item Discrete solution: having $\Delta t$ time progress, in principal, we are looking for a time series of object position $(t_0,x_0),(t_1,x_1),..(t_n,x_n)$: $a_i=F_i/m$, then $v_{i+1}=v_{i}+a\cdot\Delta t$, and $x_{i+1}=x_{i}+v_i\cdot\Delta t$ 

\slide{Discrete solution - towards algorithmization}{
\blok{Recurring principle/algorithm}{\centering ideal for computer algebraic systems}
Having $\Delta t$ time progress, in principal, we are looking for a time series of object position $(t_0,x_0),(t_1,x_1),..(t_n,x_n)$: $a_i=F_i/m$, then $v_{i+1}=v_{i}+a\cdot\Delta t$, and $x_{i+1}=x_{i}+v_i\cdot\Delta t$

\slide{Euler method solving ODE - the principle}{
\blok{Let an initial value problem be specified:}
{\centering $\dot {y}=f(t,y),\quad y(t_{0})=y_{0}$}
y_{n+1} &= y_n + h\ f(t_n, y_n),\\
t_{n+1} &= t_n + h

\slide{Euler method solving ODE - repetition (loop)}{

\SlideWithHeadFullFigureWithLink{Let's dive into a problem}{
\blok{0$^{th}$ order ODE: Constant force}{$F_{ext}=k$}

\SlideWithHeadFullFigureWithLink{Let's dive into a problem}{
\blok{1$^{st}$ order ODE: Friction force}{$F_{ext}=-b\cdot v$}
